In honor of Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar’s Centenary in 2018, our first photo gallery album celebrates his August 1987 visit to Hawaii. Hawaii was his first stop on a tour of the US en route to the National Iyengar Yoga Convention in Boston. Photos are of his arrival, observation and teaching at Silent Dance Center, an afternoon at the beach, and a luau in his honor.

Happy to be in Hawaii after a long flight from India

Greeting Mr. Iyengar at HNL

Sandi listening “attentively" to Mr. Iyengar’s critique

Ae Ja in Parivrtta Trikonasana

Glenn gets a lift in Salamba Sirsasana

Ramanand Patel, Birjoo Mehta & Jawahar Bangera relaxing on the North Shore

Utthita Trikonasana Trio - Jawahar, Ramanand and BKS Iyengar - Kawailoa Beach, North Shore Oahu

Wading in the crystal clear water

Jawahar & Ramanand in Hanumanasana under the guru’s gaze

Guruji says it’s like home under the coconut trees

Luau dinner with SDC teachers, Ae Ja, Sandi, Glenn & Penney

Birjoo, Sandi, Neeta Datta & Jawahar

Hula at the Luau

SDC teacher Cynthia Lee and friends doing hula

Neeta, Sandi & Guruji